Your Authentic Journey to Consciousness and Individuation Begins Here
Most commonly what brings someone to seek a therapist is often a crisis, whether it be personal, spiritual, or professional. There is no denying the usefulness of various therapeutic interventions such as learning healthy coping mechanisms, improved communication skills and deepened self awareness. However, psychotherapy, when considered an investment in the Self, can bring a whole new energy to consciouness. Personally, I believe our deepest desires originate from a yearning for wholeness, a form of consciousness that comes from the depths of our psyche, a process which is unique for each individual. The path to expanding consciousness requires exploration into the unconscious world, and the best and really only way to embark on such a journey is through our dreams. Psyche intends for us to expand consciousness, to bring to fruition the fullest realization of the Self, and the only method it has to communicate with us is through symbols. Exploring the meaning of the symbols Psyche has provided specifically for you in your dreams is the core of my work. It is through the insights gained from interpreting the symbols of the dream world that one can embark on a journey Carl Jung referred to asĀ individuation.
Despite what initially brings you to my practice, should you decide, I consider it a privilege to be entrusted with the personal and private inner workings of your authentic psyche. This work is sacred. I promise to provide an atmosphere of acceptance and trust to allow unconscious content to unfold and reveal the gift of individual consciousness in relation to your higher Self.
Call me for a free 10-15 minute consultation. A good fit is of the utmost importance for your therapeutic process. I support your efforts in finding the right therapist for you.
Learn More About Me
Claudia Hergesheimer, LCSW, JA #75542
My journey in becoming a psychotherapist has not followed the conventional straight line; just the way life often seems to happen. Our individual path unfolds sometimes quite unexpectedly and it is important to know when to let go and trust and when to recognize and overcome obstacles that can deter us from attaining our full potential…

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